
Board of Elders

Our Board of Elders consists of

  • Roy Meinzer, Chair
  • Michael Codere
  • David Johnson
  • Christopher Totsky
  • Mark Yunk
  • Tom Zahn

Board of Elders - Constitutional Duties

This Board shall consist of at least three (3) members and a ratio of one (1) elder per fifty (50) baptized members of the congregation. The pastor in consultation with the nominating committee will nominate elders. Term of office shall be three (3) years, with one-third (1/3) being elected each year.  

1. The Board of Elders shall organize annually by January I and choose a chairperson who shall represent them on the Church Council and report for them to the Voters' Assembly; the chairperson shall direct and coordinate the activities throughout the year. 

2. The Board of Elders shall assist the pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the Congregation. 

3. The Board of Elders shall consider complaints and grievances of members of the Congregation if Matthew 18:15-16 has been fully observed; and they shall report to the Voters' Assembly those which cannot be otherwise adjusted, in accordance with Matthew 18:17-18. 

4. The Board of Elders shall make every effort to induce members who have been negligent in church attendance, in Voters' Assembly attendance, in use of the Sacrament, and in financial support of the church, or in other-ways have been delinquent members, to mend their sinful ways and fully enjoy the rights and privileges of their membership. 

5. The Board of Elders shall visit all new communicant members shortly after their reception into membership and acquaint them with the Congregation's program and the duties and privileges of membership. 

6. The Board of Elders shall see to it that all services are conducted decently and in order. 

7. The Board of Elders shall assist the pastor in arranging for pulpit assistance, special services, and guest speakers, especially during vacancies. 

8. The Board of Elders shall appoint and supervise the head usher and his/her staff on a yearly basis. Appointments are subject to ratification by the Voters' Assembly. 

9. The Board of Elders shall provide for regular and substitute organists and a choir director. 

10. The Board of Elders shall recommend to the Voters’ Assembly policy regarding special observances such as weddings and funerals. 

11. The Board of Elders shall be examples of Christian conduct and conversation. 

12. The Board of Elders shall hold regular meetings as often as advisable. 

13. The Board of Elders shall attend to any other duties that may be assigned to them from time to time. 

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